What: Google will be holding a hackathon to help you get started integrating with Google Apps and the Google Apps Marketplace! We will be doing short introductions and presentations throughout the day on many of the Apps APIs. There will be plenty of time to try out APIs, ask questions, and get hands-on help from members of the Google team and other local developers. Bring your laptops and come hang out at Google. Food will be provided.

Who: Software developers looking to learn about integrating with Google Apps. Whether you’re a customer integrating with your existing systems, a VAR/SI helping customers integrate or a SaaS software vendor looking to reach the 2 million businesses using Google Apps by selling your integrated app on the Google Apps Marketplace, this event is for you! Of course, if you’re a developer and have already integrated with Google Apps and are just looking to learn more about the latest APIs or meet the Google team and fellow developers, you’re welcome as well!

When: Tuesday, August 24th from 10AM to 5PM.

Where: Google Campus: 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043. Room to be announced to confirmed attendees.

Sign up here!

If you’re primarily interested in Google Apps Script, we’re having a separate hackathon on September 23rd just for Apps Script. Please see this site for more information.